Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Mama knows best: Keep sweet tea....sweet!

We as mamas have to be innovative and thrifty all in the same beat. Some how we find new ways of doing things that save us money, time and maybe if we are really blessed.... sanity!

I love me some sweet tea! I also love ice in my tea...after all its best served cold. I just hate the way it gets watered down.

A friend of mine told me that next time I make sweet tea, fill an ice cube tray (I find them in the $1 bin at Target- in fun shapes to boot.) with the tea. I then use the frozen tea cubes in my ice tea.

It keeps the tea cold and nothing gets watered down!

** I have also used this trick for bridal and baby showers. I freeze some fresh mint or fruit such as raspberries in cubes to add a little sparkle to the tea. (I especially like peaches in cubes because it flavors the tea in a lovely way.)

Do you have a money/time/sanity tip to share? E-mail me at everythingmom@live.com