Monday, August 10, 2009

Menu Plan Monday: winner winner chicken dinner week

My hubby has given me an ultimatum...... start going through some of my freezer stockpile. Every time I look at the sales ads for the grocery store ads he scrunches his eyebrows and looks at the freezer. :) Since I have a TON of chicken that is what we are having alot of this week! Hope you guys have a yummy week!!

Monday: Grilled chicken, roasted rosemary potatoes, asparagus

Granny's Pork Chop Dinner, green beans, cole slaw

Wednesday: Cheeseburgers, baked fries, peas

Thursday: No Frying Chicken Parmesan, noodles, garlic bread, salad

Friday: Pizza Night!!

Saturday: Leftover night- If its not movin you can eat it but Mama is not cookin!!

Sunday: Stuffed and Wrapped Chicken, Corn on the cob, fresh bread