Monday, November 24, 2008

Being Thankful

Many people are having a hard time being thankful these days. After all the economy, jobs and in general things are... well stinky. The present situation aside, I feel so thankful that I am bursting at the seams. Not for the material things in my life ( although I feel truly blessed for the great job my husband has and our manageable house payment these days.)

What I am truly thankful for this year cannot be bought. ( Although many people often do try to buy these things much to their chagrin) So here are just a few things that I am thankful for.

A warm cozy house that is filled with children's laughter.

A husband who makes our children a priority in his life.

My babies who are healthy

My daughters dimples, especially the right hand side that is so deep I could fall into it!

My son doing his "strong-man" impression then collapsing in a fit of giggles
The way the babies smell after a bath

Having an hour to myself in the morning before the kids get up

Being in love with a man more than the day I married him.

The excitement that the holidays bring to our home through our children.

Ending each day by snuggling with both babies on the couch.

My personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Reading the same book to my toddler 876 times in the last week. :)

Being able to put healthy food on our table when so many others are struggling.

Asking my husband to get... um.. personal products and he doesn't even flinch.. now that's a man!!

The traditions that my family have... BTW Charlie brown's thanksgiving is coming on Tuesday! Woohoo!

The way little arms feel when they wrap around my legs

What more could I possibly ask for!! What are you thankful for?