Saturday, October 17, 2009

Mama Knows Best - What to do with those apples!

We as mamas have to be innovative and thrifty all in the same beat. Somehow we find new ways of doing things that save us money, time and maybe if we are really blessed.... sanity!

My sons pre-school teacher just gave me this tip and it was too good not to share!

A couple of us room moms were talking about how we went apple picking, or were given an abundance of apples! I recounted my 4 hour struggle to core, peel and slice 20 lbs of apples. Then I soaked them in Fruit Fresh water and then bagged and froze them. WHEW!

My sons teacher said that her mama would fill a disposable pie pan with the apple slices and cover them with foil and freeze them right in the pie pans.

When she was making a pie, she would make her pie crust and place the bottom crust in a glass pie pan. Then she would remove the pie pan from the freezer and just pop the already pie shaped apples right into the crusted pie pan. (She had already mixed the cinnamon / spices into the apple mixture.) She would then cover the top with pie crust or pie dough cut into shapes of leaves. Wahlah- a pie ready to go!

Tip: If you are having trouble getting the apples out, then just soak the bottom in some shallow warm water in the sink!

Do you have a money/time/sanity tip to share? E-mail me at !

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Things you can only know if your a mama.....

There are certain things that you could only possibly know if your a mama!!

For Example....

Lost sippy cups found

The feeling in the pit of your stomach as you see a sippy cup under your car seat. You haven't seen that cup in a while and you start to pray you filled it with water. But you didn't.... of course. That funny smell you have been smelling in your car suddenly makes sense.

You reach for it and can see white chunks. You debate whether to try to wash it or just throw it away.

I am here to tell you that there are some smells that stay in your nose all day. Yep, this is one of them.

Binkies, Lovies, Blankies

You can just never, never, never have enough binkies or lovies.

I have spent many a night searching the Internet for another frog lovie that my child clings to. Now I just resort to hardcore prayer that we NEVER lose Frog or we are DONE.......

If you have a binkie baby you also know that no matter how many you own there are just never enough. My youngest has 10 in her crib right now as I type. If I could, I would put 231 more in there... just in case she would wake only to not be able to find one within her reach :)

Works for me Wednesday: Knowing there are cookies in that there Jar!

I looooooove to bake. My favorite things are cookies since they are mostly easy. (Except for the fancy smancy ones that my littles really don't like) I also love my cookie jars. They add some holiday flair to my kitchen, depending on the season. What I don't love so much is the fact that once said cookies go in the jar, people forget about them and they end up not being eaten!!!

To remedy the problem I have come up with this.

Its a simple photo/ place card holder. (This one is from our wedding) You can find them anywhere or make your own. ( I will be making one on the blog later in the month.) I then cut out a foam shape that I found in my craft pile. Oh the wonders of foam !!! But that's another post.... Its a green tree for Christmas or a red ornament, a leaf for fall, a heart for Valentines... you can use anything! They also sell pre-made shapes at craft stores if you are scissor challenged. :)

I write on the foam with a sharpie or gel pen and place it beside the cookie jar. I was amazed how well it worked! Now the sign catches the whole families attention. (Even visitors in our home asks for a cookie because they see the sign!) The cookies are eaten and nothing goes to waste! And that works for this mama....

To see more great WFMW ideas visit We are That Family!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

And the Winner is.....

The winner of the $50 Bob Evans Gift Certificate is JANE BUCKEYE.
The Winner of the $25 Mimi's Cafe Gift Certificate is Jen.
I will be e-mailing you ladies today to get your address! (You have until Friday to respond to my e-mail :) )
Thanks for all those who entered!

Hey all !!!

Hey ladies! As you know I have been taking a little blogging break to reflect on where I want the blog to go. The fam and I have been in New York in the midst of beautiful trees, horses and best of all.....quiet.

I thought I would get the shakes being disconnected with the "real world". No e-mail, no phone ringing off the hook etc. To my absolute shock, I was so peaceful and at rest. My hubby and I talked about how much better we felt and how much more connected to one another we were. It made me sit up and take notice.

Maybe this is the message that I have been searching for.

To be still.

To be present.

To enjoy playing in the leaves with my cherubs.

To hold hands with my hubby on a walk.

And NOT to be a slave to the phone, computer or commitments.

So in honor of being still (very hard for me, I assure you) I am cutting back some.

I will only be doing the bargain recipe of the week for Kroger. ( The store that I grocery shop.)

I no longer feel the need for "stuff" to fill this blog. I would rather post stuff that I really care about and love. Such as kids crafts, organization and home things. I am going to start featuring more guy view articles and stuff just for moms. ( Including a monthly feature by a esthetician who will give beauty tips :) ) I mean what mama doesn't need some beauty :)

So I am I am getting off the computer now so that I can enjoy a cup of tea while my little ones sleep. Because one day they won't take naps anymore and I will do a mental head slap for not taking advantage of this time.....