We have a tradition in this house for New Years. We don't get out.
It used to be romantic take out and a movie with my hubbie. Then it was trying to juggle the baby with sneaking in a midnight kiss. Now it has morphed into a wonderful tradition that is simple but we love!
We order some take out Chinese, put on party hats and blow noisemakers. (Yes, I have a bottle of advil on standby. ) We drag out the beanbags, make popcorn and watch a special movie. This years selection is the never seen Bugs Life. A little candy may even exchange hands.....
After the kidlets are in bed (There bed time is still 8...even as the new year arrives. I am mean like that. ) Hubbie and I snuggle in for a movie of our own, usually void of animation and alot of furry animals.
I won't lie. We almost never see the New Year come in. We are parents. We are tired.
So in honor of the New Year I thought I would list some ways that you could party down with your little one! HAPPY NEW YEAR Y'ALL!!1
* Bake a cake
*Have your little ones dress in their play dress up clothes to spice things up. Cowboy and princess anyone?
*Have the kids make "resolutions" in which you write them down. (You know so you can laugh about it later ...)
* Have game night
* Drag out the sleeping bags, even for mom and dad and have a "camp out" in the living room.
* Make calendars with stickers, construction papers and maybe some pictures of when they were little.
* Make our own noisemakers. (See instructions below)
Noisemakers - Because we need more noise, right?
Take an empty toilet paper tube. (Or better yet, cut one of those Christmas wrapping tubes into pieces. )
Cover one end with heavy paper or construction paper and secure with tape.
Fill with beans or rice.
Cover the other end with the same paper and secure with tape.
Have the kids decorate their noisemaker with stickers, markers or anything else you can find!