While I am taking a week off for Easter I thought I would post some "retro" posts of mine. Hope you have a wonderful Easter!!
I know it sounds bizarro.....my heart just leaps with little bounds of joy when I open my fridge and its a sparse sight! When my pantry is overflowing I frown. Am I crazy? A little....
I get so excited because it means that I am not wasting food. With these times I just hate wasting anything!!! I hate cleaning out my fridge only to find some yummy leftovers that I forgot about. Hidden by a fridge full of junk, it now has a lovely aroma of yuck!
When it comes to the pantry I am the same way. Besides canned goods that last a nuclear war, I find oils, bread mixes and seasoning that are well past their prime. I cringe thinking of the wasted money that I am now putting into the trash. (Not to mention filling the landfills)
I stockpile somewhat. When I have a great coupon or there is a killer deal at the store I will buy a couple of products. What I have started doing, however, is to have a stockpile week. I will plan my menu around all the extras I have lying around the house. I end up cleaning out my pantry and fridge but with each night I feel so good using all the products that I buy! If I have a recipe that calls for celery I will try to make another recipe that also calls for it so that there is none to waste.
I know that I am a weirdo and this is such a random post..... this week I have not had to go the grocery store and spend a dime because we are cleaning out the fridge and pantry. What a good feeling!!!
Friday, April 10, 2009
Pork roast- easy !!
While I am taking a week off for Easter I thought I would post some "retro" posts of mine. Hope you have a wonderful Easter!!
I had a little dinner party last night and it reminded me of something we love that is so easy to eat and our guests loved it ! Combine that with the cheap pork prices, and the fact that I got it on the B1G1 and it was also very reasonable. I paired it with the 10 lb bag of potatoes that I got for $3.99 at Kroger and the canned green beans that were 2- $1. Now that is a reasonable meal!
Pork roast with apples and sauerkraut
Just take a pork roast and place in crock pot. Add apple juice until it reaches the top of the roast. Then drain a jar of sauerkraut and put the kraut on top of the pork roast. Let cook on low for about 6 hours. We always add some sliced apples the last two hours as well.
You would not believe how good this meal is !
Happy eating!
I had a little dinner party last night and it reminded me of something we love that is so easy to eat and our guests loved it ! Combine that with the cheap pork prices, and the fact that I got it on the B1G1 and it was also very reasonable. I paired it with the 10 lb bag of potatoes that I got for $3.99 at Kroger and the canned green beans that were 2- $1. Now that is a reasonable meal!
Pork roast with apples and sauerkraut
Just take a pork roast and place in crock pot. Add apple juice until it reaches the top of the roast. Then drain a jar of sauerkraut and put the kraut on top of the pork roast. Let cook on low for about 6 hours. We always add some sliced apples the last two hours as well.
You would not believe how good this meal is !
Happy eating!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
What happened to all the grandparenty grandparents?

So this is half rant half real life question. So what the heck happened to the grandparents that I had growing up? Don't get me wrong. They don't have to wear buns and be rocking 24-7 in their granny rockers on their porch. But come on people!!!
Almost every friend I have all have something in common. Our parents are sure not like our grandparents to our kids. Sure they love our kids to pieces but they need "me" time. They are working or socializing, dating, or just plain too busy.
I spent so much time with my grandparents that it was like a second home. We went shopping together, made popcorn and watched movies, and was taught how to bake the perfect pie crust. Traditions were handed down and implemented with joy. I felt like they loved hanging out with me and would use this to my benefit by spending the night with them frequently. My fathers mother would make me HOMEMADE cocoa, taught me how to sew and pinch homemade tortillas. My mothers mother introduced me to poetry, taught me embroidery and gave me my first months rent in my very first apartment. They were and always will be a major part of my life.
This brings me back to my original thought of the look and feel of today's grandparents. They are busy. Most are working and then they have a very active social life or commitments. They ask why we don't ask them to baby sit and then when we do they are busy. Many have gone through a divorce and are trying to reestablish their careers (or even start one) or their social life. There are also those grandparents that have put their whole life and soul into their kids. So much so that they have neglected their friends and any personal ambition or joy. So when they are done raisin their kids they are done.
There is not a doubt in my mind that they love the little buggers.... after all these are their babies babies. It has however started me thinking about when I am a grandparent. No I have not lost my mind (well maybe a little). I have just decided, along with some of my girlfriends, that we are going to be the grandparenty grandparents.
To accomplish this we need to take steps now. We need girlfriend time. We refuse to let our friendships disintegrate. We will put the time and effort into our marriages to make them a priority so these don't fall apart when the children go away to college. We will not abandon what makes us unique individual women. I love to dance. I have danced since I have been 2 and taught for seven years. I thought it was over for me when I got married and had children but why? Why should I give up something that I love and is good for me? I mean exercise is exercise :) Of course we will not neglect our children or their needs in anyway but we will not become martyrs either. Maybe by doing this and keeping a grasp of some sort of personal identity will make us better mothers. I am hoping that maybe, just maybe it will make me a grandparenty grandparent... no buns though. I don't do buns and can bet the farm that I will dye my hair. If I pass to be with the Lord with roots someone need to make sure they Ms Clairol me.
Almost every friend I have all have something in common. Our parents are sure not like our grandparents to our kids. Sure they love our kids to pieces but they need "me" time. They are working or socializing, dating, or just plain too busy.
I spent so much time with my grandparents that it was like a second home. We went shopping together, made popcorn and watched movies, and was taught how to bake the perfect pie crust. Traditions were handed down and implemented with joy. I felt like they loved hanging out with me and would use this to my benefit by spending the night with them frequently. My fathers mother would make me HOMEMADE cocoa, taught me how to sew and pinch homemade tortillas. My mothers mother introduced me to poetry, taught me embroidery and gave me my first months rent in my very first apartment. They were and always will be a major part of my life.
This brings me back to my original thought of the look and feel of today's grandparents. They are busy. Most are working and then they have a very active social life or commitments. They ask why we don't ask them to baby sit and then when we do they are busy. Many have gone through a divorce and are trying to reestablish their careers (or even start one) or their social life. There are also those grandparents that have put their whole life and soul into their kids. So much so that they have neglected their friends and any personal ambition or joy. So when they are done raisin their kids they are done.
There is not a doubt in my mind that they love the little buggers.... after all these are their babies babies. It has however started me thinking about when I am a grandparent. No I have not lost my mind (well maybe a little). I have just decided, along with some of my girlfriends, that we are going to be the grandparenty grandparents.
To accomplish this we need to take steps now. We need girlfriend time. We refuse to let our friendships disintegrate. We will put the time and effort into our marriages to make them a priority so these don't fall apart when the children go away to college. We will not abandon what makes us unique individual women. I love to dance. I have danced since I have been 2 and taught for seven years. I thought it was over for me when I got married and had children but why? Why should I give up something that I love and is good for me? I mean exercise is exercise :) Of course we will not neglect our children or their needs in anyway but we will not become martyrs either. Maybe by doing this and keeping a grasp of some sort of personal identity will make us better mothers. I am hoping that maybe, just maybe it will make me a grandparenty grandparent... no buns though. I don't do buns and can bet the farm that I will dye my hair. If I pass to be with the Lord with roots someone need to make sure they Ms Clairol me.
Great idea for leftover meats ( and getting kids to eat some veggies)
I don't know about you guys but I am starting to have some trouble getting my little prince to eat his veggies! Recently I discovered how he would eat them and I could also use some leftover chicken, pork or beef.
I made homemade fried rice! It was easy and delicious and got my little guy to eat veggies and protein. He loved it! I thought I would share....
Either use a little butter or the oil of your choice in a large pan. ( We are Paula Deen lovers over here so you know we use butter :) ) You can then saute a chopped onion or leave it out depending on your little one. - Mine loves the taste of onion but I know not all rugrats do!
After the onion or in place of add two eggs and stir until they are firmly scrambled.
Then add a 1/2 bag of frozen peas and carrots and stir until veggies are warm.
While the veggies are cooking, prepare whole grain minute rice.
Add the cooked rice to the veggie mixture and stir. Add (or don't add) your leftover meat cubed.
Finally add low sodium soy sauce to taste.
The kids seem to love the rice so much they don't realize that they are also eating veggies and protein... woohoo!!!
I made homemade fried rice! It was easy and delicious and got my little guy to eat veggies and protein. He loved it! I thought I would share....
Either use a little butter or the oil of your choice in a large pan. ( We are Paula Deen lovers over here so you know we use butter :) ) You can then saute a chopped onion or leave it out depending on your little one. - Mine loves the taste of onion but I know not all rugrats do!
After the onion or in place of add two eggs and stir until they are firmly scrambled.
Then add a 1/2 bag of frozen peas and carrots and stir until veggies are warm.
While the veggies are cooking, prepare whole grain minute rice.
Add the cooked rice to the veggie mixture and stir. Add (or don't add) your leftover meat cubed.
Finally add low sodium soy sauce to taste.
The kids seem to love the rice so much they don't realize that they are also eating veggies and protein... woohoo!!!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Central Ohio moms - money saving tip
While I am taking a week off for Easter I thought I would post some "retro" posts of mine. Hope you have a wonderful Easter!!
For those of you who live in Central Ohio, you are probably familiar with COSI. For those who are not, COSI is a center of science and industry. It has amazing displays for kids and a HUGE play area that actually teaches them something. ( Not to mention the big bean bag chairs for the parents to chat, breastfeed or pray for strength :) ) The really great thing about the play area is that it is secure. You have to check in, get a special tag and you must present that tag along with the child to exit.
Anywho.... A year admission to COSI for a family is $82. I just found out that you can buy a membership to the William McKinley presidential library in Museum for $49 (It is based out of Canton, OH ) With the membership to the McKinley museum, you get into COSI anytime you would like. More than that it also allows you into 250 other science centers and museums around the country. A great idea when you are on vacation and its raining! Even for those who don't live in Central Ohio it may be worth checking out to see if they cover a museum or center around you.
Here is the website
That is a savings of almost $40. Just thought I would share!
For those of you who live in Central Ohio, you are probably familiar with COSI. For those who are not, COSI is a center of science and industry. It has amazing displays for kids and a HUGE play area that actually teaches them something. ( Not to mention the big bean bag chairs for the parents to chat, breastfeed or pray for strength :) ) The really great thing about the play area is that it is secure. You have to check in, get a special tag and you must present that tag along with the child to exit.
Anywho.... A year admission to COSI for a family is $82. I just found out that you can buy a membership to the William McKinley presidential library in Museum for $49 (It is based out of Canton, OH ) With the membership to the McKinley museum, you get into COSI anytime you would like. More than that it also allows you into 250 other science centers and museums around the country. A great idea when you are on vacation and its raining! Even for those who don't live in Central Ohio it may be worth checking out to see if they cover a museum or center around you.
Here is the website
That is a savings of almost $40. Just thought I would share!
When does the mama guilt go away?
While I am taking a week off for Easter I thought I would post some "retro" posts of mine. Hope you have a wonderful Easter!!
Everyone told me about diaper rash, baby blues and sleeping schedules before I had my precious ones. No one, and I mean NO ONE, told me about the mama guilt that hits you like a ton of bricks the moment your eyes meet their baby blues.
It stinks too..... I keep thinking about all the things I am doing wrong and all the ways I could be damaging my children for life. It makes me crazy!!! I kept thinking with my first that it would slowly go away as I got a better grasp on the mama thing and regained my footing after a long tough pregnancy. ehhhhhhhh no. It only gets worse because the consequences seem to loom bigger and bigger with their growth. Now instead of just trying to figure out if they are throwing a fit or really need something we are faced with tough questions. Tv or not? How much should we be working with them on skills without pushing them ? What sort of discipline fits our individual child. That's not even talking about the guilt about how we are juggling all our time and energy. I mean I try to put my marriage first but its hard with a crying baby and whining toddler. What is left for me? Then I feel guilty for thinking about me... grrrrr the guilt goes on and on and on......
I find myself feeling guilty about EVERYTHING these days. When my saint of a husband tells me something that I did that was really nice for our kids I am quick to point out the five things that I didn't do or feel like I should have done. COULDA SHOULDA WOULDA...... That seems to be my life these days. The most current example is that I was telling hubby that I feel bad for not spending enough quality time with my toddler because my infant has been mucho needy lately. He looked at me for a long time. ( Probably choosing his words so not to awake the dragon I am sure) He pointed out to me that I stay at home to spend the whole day with my children. They see my face before they go to bed and when they get up and alot of face time in between and thats alot. I realized what he was saying was true but did it ease my guilt... noooooooooo. I just thought... yeah but I could have been working on his colors instead of talking to my girlfriend on the phone for ten minutes.
I am writing this post because I am listening to my 6 month old cry. She has started to refuse to sleep during the day and everybody is suffering because of it. She likes to sleep in her swing but the girl is now too big and needs to sleep in her crib! The only way is to let her cry a little and get used to the fact that naps are now in the crib. The result? I am sitting here sobbing like my highschool boyfriend broke up with me. ( You know ... the chest heaving hyperventilating kind of cry) I just keep thinking that I am damaging her for life. I can see her now........ she is laying on a long couch telling the therapist how her problems all started when her mama made her take naps in the crib.
Everyone told me about diaper rash, baby blues and sleeping schedules before I had my precious ones. No one, and I mean NO ONE, told me about the mama guilt that hits you like a ton of bricks the moment your eyes meet their baby blues.
It stinks too..... I keep thinking about all the things I am doing wrong and all the ways I could be damaging my children for life. It makes me crazy!!! I kept thinking with my first that it would slowly go away as I got a better grasp on the mama thing and regained my footing after a long tough pregnancy. ehhhhhhhh no. It only gets worse because the consequences seem to loom bigger and bigger with their growth. Now instead of just trying to figure out if they are throwing a fit or really need something we are faced with tough questions. Tv or not? How much should we be working with them on skills without pushing them ? What sort of discipline fits our individual child. That's not even talking about the guilt about how we are juggling all our time and energy. I mean I try to put my marriage first but its hard with a crying baby and whining toddler. What is left for me? Then I feel guilty for thinking about me... grrrrr the guilt goes on and on and on......
I find myself feeling guilty about EVERYTHING these days. When my saint of a husband tells me something that I did that was really nice for our kids I am quick to point out the five things that I didn't do or feel like I should have done. COULDA SHOULDA WOULDA...... That seems to be my life these days. The most current example is that I was telling hubby that I feel bad for not spending enough quality time with my toddler because my infant has been mucho needy lately. He looked at me for a long time. ( Probably choosing his words so not to awake the dragon I am sure) He pointed out to me that I stay at home to spend the whole day with my children. They see my face before they go to bed and when they get up and alot of face time in between and thats alot. I realized what he was saying was true but did it ease my guilt... noooooooooo. I just thought... yeah but I could have been working on his colors instead of talking to my girlfriend on the phone for ten minutes.
I am writing this post because I am listening to my 6 month old cry. She has started to refuse to sleep during the day and everybody is suffering because of it. She likes to sleep in her swing but the girl is now too big and needs to sleep in her crib! The only way is to let her cry a little and get used to the fact that naps are now in the crib. The result? I am sitting here sobbing like my highschool boyfriend broke up with me. ( You know ... the chest heaving hyperventilating kind of cry) I just keep thinking that I am damaging her for life. I can see her now........ she is laying on a long couch telling the therapist how her problems all started when her mama made her take naps in the crib.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Did you know? Random thoughts
While I am taking a week off for Easter I thought I would post some "retro" posts of mine. Hope you have a wonderful Easter!!
Here some random things that may help you .... they have helped me !
Holding a wooden match in your mouth while cutting onions will prevent tearing up. ( A girlfriend pointed out to me to make sure its not lit :) )
Cleaning lamp shades are easy to do with a clothing lint tape roller.
My family loves eating outside in the summertime. Since we don't want to run back in the house to get seconds we lug everything outside which is a pain and creates lots of dishes too!
After cooking, put your food in your storage containers and put them on the table with the lids on. This not only keeps the bugs out, the food hot but also cuts the cleaning in half! All you do is snap on the lid and put in the fridge.
Here some random things that may help you .... they have helped me !
Holding a wooden match in your mouth while cutting onions will prevent tearing up. ( A girlfriend pointed out to me to make sure its not lit :) )
Cleaning lamp shades are easy to do with a clothing lint tape roller.
My family loves eating outside in the summertime. Since we don't want to run back in the house to get seconds we lug everything outside which is a pain and creates lots of dishes too!
After cooking, put your food in your storage containers and put them on the table with the lids on. This not only keeps the bugs out, the food hot but also cuts the cleaning in half! All you do is snap on the lid and put in the fridge.
Oarnge Creamcicle cake
While I am taking a week off for Easter I thought I would post some "retro" posts of mine. Hope you have a wonderful Easter!!
I usually post one of my hubbys recipe on Tuesday but he insisted that I post this one ASAP! I have never had it or made it but he insists that its easy and delicious. He said the guys at the firehouse devour it.... enjoy!
Orange Creamcicle Cake
1 (18oz) lemon cake mix
1 envelope unsweetened Orange kool aid
3 eggs
1 cup water
1/3 cup vegetable oil
2 pckgs ( 3 oz) Orange gelatin
1 cup boiling water
1 cup cold water
1 cup milk
1 tsp vanilla
1 pkg. (3.4oz) instant vanilla pudding
1 (8 oz ) cool-whip thawed
In a mixing bowl, combine cake mix, drink mix, eggs, water and oil. Beat two minutes at medium speed. Pour into a 9x13 baking pan ( does not have to be greased). Bake 350 degrees for 25-30 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean. Using a meat fork, poke holes in the cake.
Cool for 30 minutes. In bowl, dissolve 1 pkg. gelatin in boiling water. Once its completely dissolved, stir in the cold water. Pour over cake, cover and refrigerate for two hours.
In mixing bowl, combine milk, vanilla,pudding mix and other dry gelatin. Beat 2 minutes. Let stand for 5 minutes then fold in the cool whip. Frost the cake with this. Keep refrigerated.
I usually post one of my hubbys recipe on Tuesday but he insisted that I post this one ASAP! I have never had it or made it but he insists that its easy and delicious. He said the guys at the firehouse devour it.... enjoy!
Orange Creamcicle Cake
1 (18oz) lemon cake mix
1 envelope unsweetened Orange kool aid
3 eggs
1 cup water
1/3 cup vegetable oil
2 pckgs ( 3 oz) Orange gelatin
1 cup boiling water
1 cup cold water
1 cup milk
1 tsp vanilla
1 pkg. (3.4oz) instant vanilla pudding
1 (8 oz ) cool-whip thawed
In a mixing bowl, combine cake mix, drink mix, eggs, water and oil. Beat two minutes at medium speed. Pour into a 9x13 baking pan ( does not have to be greased). Bake 350 degrees for 25-30 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean. Using a meat fork, poke holes in the cake.
Cool for 30 minutes. In bowl, dissolve 1 pkg. gelatin in boiling water. Once its completely dissolved, stir in the cold water. Pour over cake, cover and refrigerate for two hours.
In mixing bowl, combine milk, vanilla,pudding mix and other dry gelatin. Beat 2 minutes. Let stand for 5 minutes then fold in the cool whip. Frost the cake with this. Keep refrigerated.
While I am taking a week off for Easter I thought I would post some "retro" posts of mine. Hope you have a wonderful Easter!!
About the age of 2, my head strong child informed me that he would not be wearing any more bibs. He kept the reason for the decision to himself. I at first thought it was no big deal until laundry time came around. That and that now I had twice as much to wash b/c he would get dirty before we left to go somewhere and need to be changed.
I thought I was doomed for a pile of laundry and stain stick purchases when I stumbled upon the above bandanna. He is really into cowboys. So much so that when he sees a horse he says "hee haw!!! " to the top of his lungs. No matter where we are or who is around. He found this bandanna in his toy box and instantly wanted it on. I didn't think much of it until it saved his shirt from destruction before church. Now when I want to save his clothes before we go somewhere I ask if he wants to play cowboy. Out comes the hat and scarf.
As long as he doesn't start referring to food as "chow" and calling me little lady I will keep playing cowboys at mealtime... HEE HAW!
Easter break for Mama
Since I (Like all mamas with small children) get no vacation, OT, coffee breaks, pee pee breaks, or sanity breaks I am declaring this week as my spring vacation! I will be taking a week off from blogging to spend time with the kidlets, plan a Easter dinner for 13, a 3rd birthday party and maybe get some sleep. ( Not likely)
I will be posting some retro posts from last year just for kicks and so it looks like I am doing something.... Hope you have a wonderful Easter!!!
I will be posting some retro posts from last year just for kicks and so it looks like I am doing something.... Hope you have a wonderful Easter!!!
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