Monday, November 23, 2009

Teacher Knows Best: Thankful Hearts Placemat

I am blessed to live next to a elementary school teacher who loves my kids and we love her!! She has multiple education degrees and is the first person I run to when I am worried about speech, development or anything learning related!! She has agreed to write a weekly post for me on some common concerns involving little ones and just great tips! If you have a topic that you would like to see addressed, please e-mail me at

We seem to be on the same wave length this week with out Thanksgiving Placemats! ENJOY :)

Thankful Hearts Placemats

It Thanksgiving week! A week full of good smells and full tummies! Here’s one of my favorite ways to get kids in a thankful spirit.

You will need:

large plain pieces of paper (you can also buy plain paper placemats)
glue sticks
clear contact paper or access to a lamination machine (available at most copy stores)

Read a thanksgiving book and ask your child what they are thankful for.
Have them cut pictures out of the magazines and glue them down or draw them on the paper.
I like to include a traced hand print, their name, and the date.
Laminate or cover in contact paper for the perfect addition to your Thanksgiving table.