I am blessed to live next to a elementary school teacher who loves my kids and we love her!! She has multiple education degrees and is the first person I run to when I am worried about speech, development or anything learning related!! She has agreed to write a weekly post for me on some common concerns involving little ones and just great tips! If you have a topic that you would like to see addressed, please e-mail me at everythingmom@live.com
Holiday Spirit
Encourage your children to pick some of the toys they no longer play with and clothes they no longer wear to donate someone in need. A trip to the closet might reveal outfits that no longer fit with the tags still on them!
If you’re able, head to the toy store or even the dollar store and let your child pick out a new toy to donate to a children’s toy drive. Remind your child that every child loves to have new toys and we need to help people in need – it reminds us of how lucky we are to have what we have.
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