Monday, September 21, 2009

A Teachers View: Lunch ideas for school !

I am blessed to live next to a elementary school teacher who loves my kids and we love her!! She has multiple education degrees and is the first person I run to when I am worried about speech, development or anything learning related!! She has agreed to write a weekly post for me on some common concerns involving little ones and just great tips! If you have a topic that you would like to see addressed, please e-mail me at
Lunch Bunch

My school has a terrific school lunch, but sometimes it’s not what I want that day. I love packing my lunch because the possibilities are endless!

PB&J can get a little tired. Try a thermos full of mac and cheese or leftover meatloaf. Since students don’t usually have access to a microwave, the thermos will keep it warm until lunch.
Add yogurt for a calcium & protein 1-2 punch. Choose wisely as some brands have a lot of added sugar.

Pack something to dip! Put in a small container of salad dressing, cottage cheese, or hummus for kids to dip their veggies in. Light cream cheese with a little honey makes a great fruit dip.

A lot of kids love those small 8oz water bottles. They are kids sized and easy to handle. You can find washable, reusable bottles as well.

Put in something special once in a while. It doesn’t have to be a sweet. In my house, string cheese was something we rarely bought. It was a pleasant surprise when it showed up at lunch!

Don’t forget the silverware. But if you do, no worries – we have extras!

Put everything in a great insulated lunch box or bag (marked with names of course), add an ice pack, and lunch is served!